Matthew Maiman - API Team Lead - Testing Engineer

I am a senior in Cyber Security Engineering. I have worked as a Help Desk Analyst with Lions Clubs International over the span of two summers and am searching for a position in the field in the Chicagoland area.

Ryan Anderson - WebApp Team Lead - Chief Reporter

I am a senior in Cyber Security Engineering. I have had various internships in the IT field, and enjoy playing video games and competing in hacking competitions in my free time.

Max Solaro - Pentester I

I am a Senior in Cyber Security Engineering. I worked as an IT Security Engineer for Hy-Vee for 6 months and am looking for a job in info sec on the west coast.

Priyanka Kadaganchi - Facilitator & Scribe

I am a Senior in Computer Engineering with a speciality in AWS

Nathan Key - Editor

I am a senior in Cyber Security Engineering.

Jacob Conn - Web Penteseter

I am a Senior in Computer Engineering while concurrently pursuing my Master's in Cyber Security Engineering. I have had a myriad of experiences in the IT field, and in my free time I enjoy baking, cooking, reading, and playing video games.

KayAnne Bryant - API Pentester

Senior in Computer Engineering focusing in Cybersecurity. Security intern at John Deere and enjoy crafts, skateboarding, and playing games in my free time.